Aquatic Therapy is a unique therapy that uses water to facilitate pain-free movement. The water decreases inflammation, increases range of motion, and allows for pain-free strengthening.
We use the following properties of the water to enhance each treatment to achieve the desired results.
BUOYANCY – When you are waist-deep in the pool you are only bearing 50% of your body weight. At chest-deep you are bearing only 30% of your body weight and at neck-deep only 10%. This buoyancy provides you with support, relative weightlessness, and joint unloading. You will be shown how to walk and exercise in the water with significantly less joint and back pain. You don’t have to worry about falling and injuring yourself while you are in the pool.
RESISTANCE – Because water is thicker than air, there is more resistance to all active movements no matter which direction you are moving. Your core muscles will get stronger so your balance improves. Your other muscles will get stronger in directions they aren’t used to. You will be taught when to increase or decrease the resistance just by changing how fast you are moving.
HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE – The deeper you go into the water, the more pressure the water puts on your tissues. This hydrostatic pressure will help decrease any swelling or edema you may be having and increase circulation to boost the return of blood back to your heart and lungs where it will pick up more oxygen which in turn helps your muscles to work better.
Therapeutic exercise in the water can improve muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, aerobic fitness, and body composition. It can also help to increase speed, power, agility, coordination, and balance, all of which help decrease the chance of falling. Maybe best of all it can be FUN! We look forward to seeing you at the pool.